Second Continental Congress: November 7, 1775
November 7, 1775
The secretary “digested” the Report of the Committee of Conference, sixteen additions and alterations were made to the RULES and REGULATIONS of the Continental Army, membership on the Importing Arms and Ammunition Committtee is increased, and John Dickinson delivers a request from the Pennsylvania Assembly. Roger Sherman and Samuel Adams don’t know when they will be able to leave Philadelphia, but they do know that American liberty is in danger from the British military, British politicians, and even the British people.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
A letter from General Washington, No. 11, was read.
The secretary’s “digested” resolutions of Congress with respect to the Report of the Committee of Conference, were read, and agreed to.
Resolved, That Sixteen additions and alterations be made in the RULES and REGULATIONS of the Continental Army. [Editor’s Note. For the full text see Link to date-related documents.]
Ordered, that the same be transcribed and forwarded by express to the General.
Resolved, That Dr. Church be placed in solitary confinement in Connecticut until further orders from this or a future Congress.
Congress elected six field officers for the two battalions to be raised in New Jersey.
Resolved, That orders be issued to the Colonels of said regiments to complete their regiments as soon as possible and order them to march to the fort erected at the highlands on Hudson’s river and to wait for further orders from Congress.
John Dickinson was excused from attending the Committee for Importing Arms and Ammunition, which meets in the Evening, because he lived out of town.
Resolved, That three new members be added to the Committee for Importing Arms and Ammunition and that any five of them be a quorum. The new members chosen: Francis Lewis, Josiah Bartlett and Archibald Bullock.
John Dickinson brought a verbal message from the Assembly of Pennsylvania, respecting the resolution sent by Thomas M’Kean, and Silas Deane. What evidence did Congress have to support the apprehensions expressed in the message that hostilities had commenced between the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania and Connecticut?
Ordered, That the same be referred until tomorrow.
The Committee appointed to take into consideration the state of New York, brought in their report.
Ordered, That the same be referred until tomorrow.
Adjourned till 10 o’Clock tomorrow.
John Hancock to George Washington
I am suddenly Called upon by the Congress to Dispatch an Express to you, which gives me time only to Inform you that the Congress having Taken into consideration the Report of the Committee appointed to Confer with you, have come to several Resolutions, which by their order I here enclose.
Roger Sherman to Jonathan Ingersoll (Connecticut Lawyer and Politician)
I don’t know when I can come home, or have opportunity to attend to my own private affairs.
There has been Several Addresses to General Gage from Some persons in Boston, on his leaving that place, lately published here. John Simson is a subscriber of one of them, wherein is this remarkable paragraph: viz, “We cannot forbear to express our Sentiments, that could a restoration to quiet and good Order have been effected in this Province by the influence of personal character, a gentleman of Your Excellency’s Established reputation for Candor & Justice, for moderation, and an obliging disposition, invested at the Same time with the Supreme Military Authority, could not have failed to have Secured it.” General Gage’s treatment of the Unhappy Sufferers in Boston will Evidence how well he deserved this Character. If the aforesaid Subscriber is your client, you would do well to consider whether consistent with Duty or Safety You can continue to do Business for or correspond with Such a Traitor to his Native Country.
Samuel Adams to Elizabeth Adams
When we shall return to our Habitation in Boston, if ever, is uncertain. The Barbarity of our Enemies in the Desolations they have wantonly made at Falmouth and elsewhere, is a Presage of what will probably befall that Town which has so long endured the Rage of a merciless Tyrant. It has disgraced the Name of Britain, and added to the Character of the Ministry, another indelible Mark of Infamy. We must be content to suffer the Loss of all things in this Life, rather than tamely surrender the public Liberty. The Eyes of the People of Britain seem to be fast closed; if they should ever be opened they will rejoice, and thank the Americans for resisting a Tyranny which is manifestly intended to overwhelm them and the whole British Empire. Righteous Heaven will surely smile on a Cause so righteous as ours is, and our Country, if it does its Duty will see an End to its oppressions. Whether I shall live to rejoice with the Friends of Liberty and Virtue, my fellow Laborers in the Common Cause, is a Matter of no Consequence. I will endeavor by Gods Assistance, to act my little part well-to approve myself to Him, and trust everything which concerns me to his all-gracious Providence.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.