Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: June 23, 1775

June 23, 1775

Congress recommends the employment of The Green Mountain Boys.  A Committee of Five is appointed “to draw up a declaration, to be published by General Washington, upon his arrival at the Camp before Boston.” Another committee reports on “the number and denomination of the bills to be emitted,” and one is created to “get proper plates engraved.” Silas Deane has a recommendation for the clergy, and John Adams marvels at “the Pride and Pomp of War.”

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

A letter from the officers of Crown Point, dated June 10, 1775 was laid before the Congress.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the Officer commanding in the New York department, to procure, as soon as possible, a list of the men employed in taking and garrisoning Crown Point and Ticonderogo, and keeping possession of the lakes, and also of their disbursements, in order that they may be paid.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the convention of New York, that they, consulting with General Schuyler, employ in the army to be raised for the defense of America, those called Green Mountain Boys, under such officers as the said Green Mountain Boys shall choose.

Upon motion, Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to draw up a declaration, to be published by General Washington, upon his arrival at the Camp before Boston.

That the committee consist of the following members, viz: John Rutledge, Mr. William Livingston, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and Thomas Johnson.

Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take into further consideration the state of America, and after some time Samuel Ward reported that the committee had come into certain resolutions which they desired him to report, but not having yet finished, they had ordered him to move for leave to sit again.

The report of the Committee on currency was read.

Resolved, That John Adams, John Rutledge, James Duane, Benjamin Franklin, and James Wilson, be a committee to get proper plates engraved, to provide paper, and to agree with printers to print the above bills.

Resolved, that this Congress will tomorrow again resolve itself into a committee of the whole to take into their farther consideration the state of America.

Adjourned till to Morrow at 9 o’Clock.

Silas Deane to Elizabeth Deane

I parted with General Washington yesterday at about six miles from this city, and conclude before you receive this, you will have had the pleasure of waiting on him. On last evening Dr. Smith preached a Sermon to the Second Battalion of this City and a vast concourse of people.  I went as I knew the Doctor’s ability, though you know I had none of his principles, and was most agreeably entertained with a discourse of about thirty minutes from Joshua 20th and “The Lord he is God of Gods” etc.  It will appear in print therefore will say no more, than this, it exceeded in style, and sentiment anything I ever heard on the subject. As the Doctor has been called a high Churchman, and one that had a Bishopric in expectation, I hope his thus publicly sounding the pulpit alarm, on the Subject of Liberty, will be an example to the Church clergy elsewhere and bring them off from the line of conduct, which they have hitherto ingloriously pursued.

John Adams to Abigail Adams

I have this Morning been out of Town to accompany our Generals Washington, Lee, and Schuyler, a little way, on their Journey to the American Camp before Boston.  The three Generals were all mounted, on horseback, accompanied by Major Mifflin who is gone in the character of Aid de Camp…. Such is the Pride and Pomp of War.  I, poor Creature, worn out with scribbling, for my Bread and my Liberty, low in Spirits and weak in Health, must leave others to wear the Laurels which I have sown; others, to eat the Bread which I have earned.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
