Second Continental Congress: February 2, 1776
February 2, 1776
A Committee of Three–George Wythe, Edward Rutledge, and Thomas Mc’Kean–are chosen to review two letters from General Schuyler and “dispatches from Canada.” Today is devoted to dealing with war expenses and war strategy.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
Two letters from General Schuyler with an account of his expedition to Tryon county, with 9 enclosures, dispatches from Canada, and other papers were read, and referred to a committee of three: George Wythe, Edward Rutledge, and Thomas M’Kean.
General Schuyler’s receipt was laid before Congress.
A letter from Colonel Wayne of this day being read,
Resolved, That Colonel Wayne be directed to quarter his battalion in and near Chester, until the farther orders of Congress, or a committee of Congress, for that purpose appointed.
Ordered, That the secretary deliver to Mr. J. Mease a copy of Colonel Wayne’s letter, so far as respects supplying his battalion with necessaries.
The committee to whom the memorial of Matthias Aspden was referred, brought in their report which permitted him to export certain commodities.
That the above permission be not drawn into precedent, and that Mr. Aspden take every possible precaution to avoid all British men of war, and cutters on the voyage.
The committee to whom the memorial of H. Keppele and John Steinmetz was referred, brought in their report: Whereupon,
Resolved, That the memorialists have no just claim to satisfaction or reparation for the loss of their ship and cargo, seized by one of the king’s ships of war etc.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to take an account of the prisoners, the names of the officers, and their places of residence, and report the same to Congress: Thomas M’Kean, Richard Smith, and Henry Wisner.
A memorial from Samson Occum was read, and referred to the committee on Indian affairs.
Adjourned to 10 o’Clock on Monday next.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.