Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: February 8, 1776

February 8, 1776

Congress pays outstanding claims, receives reports from four committees and creates a committee to secure contracts to provide supplies for several battalions.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

Congress paid a number of outstanding bills including the sending of “the 250,000 voted yesterday be sent to the pay master general, under the care of Mr. Colonel [John] Bull, and two other trusty persons.” Bull, a Pennsylvania farmer had recently retired from the First Pennsylvania Battalion.

Congress appointed a committee of three– John Morton, Francis Lewis, and James Wilson—to secure contracts to provide supplies for several battalions.

The Committee of Claims reported, that there were several monetary claims due for services rendered on behalf of the war effort.

Ordered, That the above accounts be paid.

Congress also approved reimbursements and supplies for several battalions.

The Committee on the disposition of prisoners, reported the form of a parole to be signed by the officers was read and agreed to.

The Secret Committee, to whom the petition of Mr. Pierre Le Fargue was referred, brought in their report.  Congress permitted, with restrictions, Le Fargue to engage in trade between the United Colonies and Martinique.

The committee on the memorial of Murray, Sansom and Co. &c. was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

A letter from Dr. Benjamin Rush and a memorial from Dr. J. Connolly, respecting Connolly’s health, was presented to Congress and read.  Resolved, “Connolly be allowed, at suitable times, to walk in the prison yard or hall, the jail keeper taking especial care to prevent his escape.”

Congress authorized the New York Committee of Safety, in turn, to authorize the Provincial Assembly to determine whether or not the recently elected delegates from Richmond county to the Provincial Assembly have been certified.  Originally, the inhabitants of the county “refused to send deputies to represent them in provincial convention, and otherwise manifested their enmity and opposition to the system and measures adopted for preserving the liberties of America.”

Resolved, That on Monday February 19, Dr. Smith “deliver a funeral oration in honor of General Montgomery, and of those officers and soldiers who so magnanimously fought and fell with him in maintaining the principles of American liberty.”

Adjourned to 10 o’Clock tomorrow.

John Hancock to John Bull

The Congress have ordered Two hundred & fifty Thousand Dollars to be Sent to General Washington, & having been informed that you was disposed to Take Charge of it, they have Agreed, & I am to Acquaint you that the money is Ready, & you will Engage two persons to Accompany you in whom you can Confide, & when you are Ready, please to let me know.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
