Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: June 1, 1776

June 1, 1776

Congress is still very much concerned with the war on the Canadian front. John Adams writes that “The Cords which connected the two Countries are cut asunder.”

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

Sundry letters and papers were laid before Congress, and read, among which were 1) a letter from the committee of Hartford and a letter from the committee of Northampton in Connecticut, respecting prisoners.  These were referred to the Committee on Prisoners; 2) A letter from Governor Trumbull dated May 27th, and 3) a letter from Colonel Joseph Reed informing Congress that he resigned his office.

The Committee for Indian Affairs, to whom it was referred to consider of a proper present for the Indians, brought in their report.  Resolved, That the committee purchase goods for a present to the Indians, to an amount not exceeding £160 Pennsylvania currency.

The Congress then resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and, after some time spent thereon, Benjamin Harrison reported that the committee have taken into their farther consideration the matter referred to them, and have agreed on some reports.

Resolved, That six thousand militia be employed to reinforce the army in Canada, and to retain the communication with that province.

Resolved, That Massachusetts supply, of their militia, 3,000–4 battalions; Connecticut, of their militia, 1,500–2 battalions; New Hampshire and New York, of their militias, 750–1 battalion.  [See Journal of Congress, May 29 and June 3]

Resolved, That further consideration of the report be postponed till Monday next.

Resolved, That the Congress, on Monday next, again resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to further consider the report of the Committee of Conference.

The Committee of Claims reported that there is money due to Anthony Fricker, for boarding the Scotch hostages, and to Samuel Patterson, for wagon hire and dining the prisoners brought from North Carolina.  Ordered, That the said accounts be paid.

Adjourned to 10 o’Clock on Monday.

John Adams to Isaac Smith, Sr. [Boston Merchant]

I am very happy to learn from you and some other of my Friends that Boston is securely fortified; but still I cannot be fully satisfied until I hear that every unfriendly Flag is chased out of that Harbor….

Your Observations upon the oppressive severity of the Old Regulations of Trade in subjecting Ships and Cargoes to Confiscation for the Indiscretion of a Master or Mariner, and upon the Artifice and Corruption which was introduced respecting Hospital Money, are very just.  But if you consider the Resolution of Congress, and that of Virginia of the 15th of May, the Resolutions of the two Carolinas and Georgia, each of which Colonies, are instituting new Governments, under the Authority of the People; if you consider what is doing at New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and even in Maryland, which are all gradually forming themselves into order to follow the Colonies to the Northward and Southward, together with the Treaties with Hesse, Brunswick and Waldeck and the Answer to the Mayor &c. of London; I believe you will be convinced that there is little Probability of our ever again coming under the Yoke of British Regulations of Trade. The Cords which connected the two Countries are cut asunder, and it will not be easy to splice them again, together….

Europe seems to be in a great Commotion; although the Appearance of a perfect Calm is affected, I think this American Contest will light up a general War. What it will end in, God alone knows, to whose wise and righteous Providence I cheerfully submit.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
