Journals of the Continental Congress

First Continental Congress: September 30, 1774

September 30, 1774

The delegates chose a five member committee to settle the differences with respect to the non-importation, non-consumption, non-exportation dimensions of the Second Resolution. Thomas Jefferson reminds William Tudor that the secrecy rule still prevails and then tells him he will vote in favor of trade and consumption restraints.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

“Resolved, That from and after the 10th day of September 1775, the exportation of all merchandize and every commodity whatsoever to Great Britain, Ireland and the
West Indies, ought to cease, unless the grievances of America are redressed before that time.” 

[Editor’s Note.  The delegates moved from a widely supported non-import agreement to a widely contested non-export agreement by the delegates from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and especially South Carolina.  These non-export Resolutions did not pass today.  But the delegates agreed to the creation of a five member committee “to bring in a plan for carrying into effect, the non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation resolved on.” The delegates chosen were Thomas Cushing, Isaac Low, Thomas Mifflin, Richard Henry Lee, and Thomas Johnson]

John Adams to William Tudor (Boston Lawyer)

We are under obligations of Secrecy in every Thing except the Single Vote which you have Seen approving the Resolutions of the County of Suffolk.  The Delegates here are not Sufficiently acquainted with our Pr[ovince] and with the Circumstances you are in, to form a Judgment [of] what Course it is proper for you to take…. They Shudder at the Prospect of Blood….We hear, perpetually, the most figurative Panegyricks upon our Wisdom, Fortitude and Temperance: The most fervent Exhortations to perseverance, But nothing more is done.

I may venture to tell you, that I believe We Shall agree to Non- Importation, Non- Consumption, and Non-Exportation, but not to commence so soon as I could wish. I must beseech you to Show this Letter to no Man, in whom you have not the most perfect Confidence. It may do a great deal of Mischief.  We have had numberless Prejudices to remove here. We have been obliged to act, with great Delicacy and Caution.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
