Journals of the Continental Congress

First Continental Congress: September 26, 1774

September 26, 1774

Congress debated Richard Henry Lee’s Non-Importation Resolution and it was postponed. John Adams reports that the delegates from several colonies were tediously debating the merits of Lee’s Second Resolution.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

“John Haring, of New York, appeared this morning, and took his seat as a delegate.”

Congress resumed consideration of the Resolution of September 22.

Resolved, THAT the Congress request the Merchants and Others, in the several Colonies, not to send to Great Britain any Orders for Goods, and to direct the execution of all Orders already sent, to be delayed or suspended, until the sense of the Congress, on the means to be taken for the preservation of the Liberties of America, is made public.

“After several hours spent thereon, it was referred till tomorrow, to which time the Congress was adjourned.”

John Adams’s Notes of Debates

[September 26-27, 1774]

Mr. Lee made a Motion for a Non Importation.

[Editor’s Note. A debate ensued in response to Lee’s Motion. Adams reports the following delegates engaged in the debate: Mifflin, Bland, Gadsden, the two Rutledges, Chase, Lynch, Cushing, Hooper, Henry, Jay, and Dyer]

Mr. Henry. We don’t mean to hurt even our Rascals–if have any. I move that December may be inserted instead of November.

Mr. Jay. Negotiation, suspension of Commerce, and War are the only three things. War is by general Consent to be waived at present. I am for Negotiation and suspension of Commerce.

Coll. Dyer. They have now drawn the Sword, in order to execute their Plan, of subduing America. And I imagine they will not sheath it, but that next Summer will decide the Fate of America. To withdraw all Commerce with Great Britain at once, would come upon them like a Thunder Clap….

John Adams to Abigail Adams

Tedious, indeed is our Business. Slow, as Snails. I have not been used to such Ways.  We sit only before Dinner.  We dine at four O’ Clock.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
