First Continental Congress: October 1, 1774
October 1, 1774
Congress chooses a five member committee to prepare an address to King George. Samuel Wade describes the lengthy and lively debate that took place over whether or not to include “paying for the tea” in subsequent discussions.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
Simon Boerum took his seat as a delegate for New York.
“Resolved unanimously, That a loyal address to his majesty be prepared, dutifully requesting the royal attention to the grievances that alarm and distress his majesty’s faithful subjects in North-America, and entreating his majesty’s gracious interposition for the removal of such grievances; thereby to restore between Great Britain and the Colonies that harmony so necessary to the happiness of the British Empire, and so ardently desired by all America.”
Agreed, that Richard Henry Lee, John Adams, Thomas Johnson, Patrick Henry, and John Rutledge, “be a committee to prepare an address to his majesty.”
Samuel Ward to Samuel Ward Jr.
The Congress have come to a Resolution that a Non Importation and Non Exportation Agreement shall take Place, the first on 1st December next, the last not until 10th September 1775. I lament its being postponed so late and I did all I could to prevent it. Flaxseed will not be allowed to be exported I think.
I am in hopes we shall rise in a Fortnight or three Weeks but can form no Judgment with Certainty.
Samuel Ward’s Diary
Moved, that the proposal for paying for the Tea be added to the Instructions. [Editor’s Note. It is unclear whether the motion was to include this proposal in the Petition to the King or to the five member Committee to reconcile Rights and Trade]
Motion for this made by Mr. Jay, Seconded by Mr. Low–supported by Mr. Pendleton–opposed by Mr. Lee, Mr. Gadsden, Mr. Lynch. Mr. Ross rather in favor of it. Mr. Lee against it. Mr. Jno. Rutledge against it–spoke long & well. Mr. Pendleton again for it. His principle is, that We expressly justify the Town of Boston for destroying the Tea, & offer to pay for the Tea, on Condition, that the Town of Boston be instantly relieved and at the same time We resolve never hereafter to Use E India Commodities more until the E India Company refund the Money.
Mr. Henry, against it entirely. Forcible, & spirited in his harangue.
Mr. Johnathan Adams against it.
Mr. Low again for it, his Reason that it will take away the Ostensible Reason for the Act.
Governor Ward against it.
Mr. Low again for the Motion.
Mr. Goldsborough long Against it.
Mr. Duane lengthy in favor of it.
Mr. Rutledge Junior long against it.
The question put carried Unanimously in the Negative.
Mr. Duane made a Long speech & then a Motion. Mr. Adams & Mr. Rutledge for postponing it to Monday. Col. Lee proposes to extend it, to raising also, a Militia, & arming them, for Our defense. [Editor’s Note. See October 3] Mr. Duane resents it.
Col. Lee, & Mr. Mifflin defend it. Postponed until Monday.
Motion for Nonexportation of Flaxseed & Lumber to commence instantly. Spoke against by Mr. Ross that it is quarrelling with Ireland before We begin with G Britain.
Adjourned half past Three. Two Motions lie for Monday, one for instant Nonexportation of Flaxseed, the other respecting Administration of Justice.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.