First Continental Congress: October 22, 1774
October 22, 1774
Silas Deane wrote that “the business lying before the Congress appears so nearly closed, that we doubt not but that we shall be able to leave this city, next Wednesday, or Thursday. All the capital points are agreed on.” Congress also recommended the election of delegates for a possible Second Continental Congress to meet “on the tenth day of May next, unless the redress of grievances, which we have desired, be obtained before that time.”
Link to date-related documents.
Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
Peyton Randolph, being unable to attend, on account of indisposition, Henry Middleton, was chosen to replace him as president.
Ordered, That the Journal of the proceedings of the Congress, as now corrected, be sent to the press, and printed under the direction of Edward Biddle, John Dickinson, and the secretary.
Resolved, as the Opinion of this Congress, that it will be necessary, that another Congress should be held on the tenth day of May next, unless the redress of grievances, which we have desired, be obtained before that time. And we recommend, that the same be held at the city of Philadelphia, and that all the Colonies, in North-America, choose deputies, as soon as possible, to attend such Congress.
The committee appointed to Prepare a letter to the colonies of St. John’s, &c. reported a draft, which was read, amended, and approved.
“The present critical and truly alarming state of American affairs, having been considered in a general Congress of deputies, from the colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-bay, Rhode-island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the lower counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and South-Carolina, with that attention and mature deliberation, which the important nature of the case demands, they have determined, for themselves and the colonies they represent, on the measures contained in the enclosed papers; which measures they recommend to your colony to be adopted with all the earnestness, that a well directed zeal for American liberty can prompt. So rapidly violent and unjust has been the late conduct of the British Administration against the colonies, that either a base and slavish submission, under the loss of their ancient, just, and constitutional liberty, must quickly take place, or an adequate Opposition be formed.
We pray God to take you under his protection, and to preserve the freedom and happiness of the whole British empire.”
John Dickinson to Charles Thomson
Please to propose to Colonel Lee the following Amendments in the Address to the King. Instead of saying “Delegates in Congress met”–say–Freemen. Thus the alternate use of the Words- “We–they–us–them–our –their”–will be avoided…. There are some other Amendments at the latter part, which Haste will not allow Me to mention. Is it right, to conclude such important Affairs in so great a Hurry?
Silas Deane to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr.
The Business lying before the Congress appears so nearly closed, that We doubt not but that We shall be able to leave This City, next Wednesday, or Thursday. All the Capital points are agreed on, & I have the pleasure of assuring Your Honor, that the greatest Unanimity has subsisted through the whole of Our proceedings. Our Resolves, addresses &c, are preparing for the press having already been signed, by each Member of the Congress. But I find in this, like other Assemblies, that the finishing part of Business which being the most critical and requiring the greatest attention, is Too often, left to the close, of the Session, and is of course, ever in danger, of Suffering, through the hurry of the Members.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.