First Continental Congress: October 25, 1774
October 25, 1774
Congress debated and approved the Address to the King and had it delivered to “the several colony agents” of the King. Richard Henry Lee and John Jay were chosen to prepare a letter to the agents of the several colonies.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
The Congress resumed the consideration of the address to his Majesty, which being debated by paragraphs, was approved and ordered to be engrossed.
Resolved, That the address to the King, be enclosed to the several colony agents, in order that they same may be presented to his Majesty; and that the agents be requested to call in the aid of such Noblemen and Gentlemen as are esteemed firm friends to American liberty.
Ordered, That Richard Henry Lee, and John Jay, be a committee to prepare a letter to the agents of the several colonies.
Resolved, That this Congress, in their own names, and in behalf of all those whom they represent, do present their most grateful acknowledgments to those truly noble, honorable, and patriotic advocates of civil and religious liberty, who have so generously and powerfully, though unsuccessfully, espoused & defended the cause of America, both in and out of parliament.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.