Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: January 31, 1776

January 31, 1776

General Montgomery is mourned. Massachusetts elects five delegates to Congress for 1776.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

A letter from Lord Stirling, dated 27th January, one from the Committee of Trenton, dated the 30th, one from Colonel St. Clair, of the 27th, and another from Colonel Maxwell, of the 31st of January, were introduced and read.

A committee of two–William Livingston and James Wilson—was appointed “to confer with Colonel Maxwell respecting the state of his regiment, and report the means of facilitating and hastening his march.”

Dr. Cadwalader and Dr. Shippen submitted their report on the physical confinement and health of General Prescot.

Resolved, That the prisoners who have been enlisted into the continental army, be discharged, and that no more be enlisted.

The committee, to whom sundry letters were referred, on the 27th from General Washington and others, submitted their Report.

The committee appointed to confer with Colonel Maxwell, brought in their report.  Congress ordered that Colonel Maxwell’s regiment “be supplied by any arms and necessaries in said battalion, and marched off for Canada, and that the other companies be furnished and marched as soon as possible.”

The Congress, taking into consideration the letter from Lord Stirling,

Resolved, That the captain and mates of the transport Blue Mountain Valley, be permitted to return to England.

The delegates for Massachusetts in Congress selected for 1776 are John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry.

Adjourned to 10 o’Clock tomorrow.

James Duane to Robert R. Livingston

The Congress impressed with the highest Sense of Gratitude to their favorite General [Montgomery] for his eminent Services, have unanimously resolved to erect a monument sacred to his memory, which is to be finished in the most elegant manner in France under the Direction of Doctor Franklin.  The place where it is to be erected is not determined, your Friends Wishing to know your Opinion in this particular, which will I believe have great weight. [Editor’s Note. General Montgomery was married to Livingston’s older sister, Janet.]

Thomas Lynch to Robert R. Livingston

“The whole city of Philadelphia was in tears. Every person seemed to have lost his nearest relative and heart friend.”

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
