Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: July 15, 1775

July 15, 1775

The delegates agree to a Resolution that demonstrates the extensive involvement of Congress in managing the war effort through economic incentives and penalties.  Congress invokes the secrecy rule on the publication of this Resolution. Silas Deane describes the heavy Congressional workload.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

A motion made by Mr. Franklin was considered, and after some debate Congress came to the following Resolution:

Whereas, the government of Great Britain hath prohibited the exportation of arms and ammunition to any of the plantations, and endeavored to prevent other nations from supplying us:

Resolved, That for the better furnishing these colonies with the necessary means of defending their rights, every vessel importing Gun powder, Saltpetre, Sulphur, provided they bring with the sulphur four times as much saltpetre, brass field-pieces, or good muskets fitted with Bayonets, within nine Months from the date of this resolution, shall be permitted to load and export the produce of these colonies, to the value of such powder and stores aforesaid, the non-exportation agreement notwithstanding; and it is recommended to the committees of the several provinces to inspect the military stores so imported, and to estimate a generous price for the same, according to their goodness, and permit the importer of such powder and other military stores aforesaid, to export the value thereof and no more, in produce of any kind.

Ordered, That a copy of the above be delivered to the Pennsylvania delegates who shall request the committee of this city to forward the copy to the West Indies etc., taking care that it be not published in the newspapers.

Extracts from sundry intercepted letters from Lord Dartmouth to Governor Wright and Governor Martin were laid before Congress, and read.

The Congress then resumed the talk to the Stockbridge Indians.

Resolved, That the Congress will, on Thursday next, attend divine service together, both morning and afternoon. Thomas] Lynch, and John Dickinson, shall wait on Mr. Jacob Duché, and request him to preach for the Congress on next Thursday morning, and to wait upon Doctor Francis Allison, and request him to preach at his Church for the Congress, in the afternoon.

Adjourned until Monday next at 8 o’Clock.

Silas Deane to Elizabeth Deane

The Weather has for the last Week been extreme, though a little moderated by showers yet the air is excessive bad, which added to Our Close Confinement to Business is almost too much, for from the 10th of May We have not had Sunday’s excepted one Days respite, from Nine in the Morning to four pm, & then at Times by Committees on to Ten or Eleven at Night–judge what an easy Time We have.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
