Second Continental Congress: July 20, 1775
July 20, 1775
Georgia selects five delegates to serve in Congress. In the afternoon session, Congress responds to the dispatches from General Schuyler. Silas Deane reports on today’s religious fast.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
A letter was received from the Convention of Georgia, and read, setting forth, that Colony had acceded to the general Association, and appointed delegates to attend this Congress. A Provincial Congress in Savannah Georgia decided “that five persons be chosen to Represent this Province in the Continental Congress, begun and held at the City of Philadelphia the tenth day of May last, and that any three of them be a Quorum for that purpose”….John Houstoun, Archibald Bullock, Reverend Dr Zubly, Lyman Hall and Wimberly Jones were elected. “One of these Gentlemen is with you, and three others have agreed to attend the Congress with all convenient speed.”
Adjourned till one o’clock, P. M.
The dispatches from General Schuyler were considered.
Resolved, That General P. Schuyler be empowered to dispose of and employ all the troops in the New York department, in such manner as he may think best for the protection and defense of these colonies, the tribes of Indians in friendship and amity with us, and most effectually to promote the general Interest, still pursuing, if in his power, the former orders from this Congress, and subject to the future orders of the commander in chief.
Adjourned till to Morrow at 9 o’Clock.
The dispatches from General Schuyler being taken into consideration.
Silas Deane to Elizabeth Deane
The Reverend Mr. Duchè, in the forenoon & Dr. Allison this Afternoon entertained the Congress at Church & Meeting. Such a Fast was never before observed in this City. Sunday was never so strictly kept. I lent my Chaise to Mr. Sherman Yesterday & it is broke to pieces, but shall repair it I believe by a New one, for the old one is totally broke, and destroyed. I have received so many Letters which have been obliged to Answer that with public Business, it has engrossed my whole Time early, & Late, and have not been able to Answer them all….
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.