Second Continental Congress: June 9, 1775
June 9, 1775
The delegates respond to the Report of the Committee on the Letter from Massachusetts. Congress is now deeply involved in the preparation for war.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
The Report of the Committee on the Letter from the Convention of Massachusetts was read again.
Resolved, That no obedience being due to the Act of Parliament for altering the charter of the Colony of Massachusetts bay, nor to a Governor, or a lieutenant-Governor, who will not observe the directions of, but endeavor to subvert that charter, the governor. and lieutenant-governor of that Colony are to be considered as absent, and these offices vacant; and as there is no council there, and the inconveniences, arising from the suspension of the powers of Government, are intolerable, especially at a time when General Gage hath actually levied war, and is carrying on hostilities, against his Majesty’s peaceable and loyal subjects of that Colony; that, in order to conform, as near as may be, to the spirit and substance of the charter, it be recommended to the provincial Convention, to write letters to the inhabitants of the several places, which are entitled to representation in Assembly, requesting them to choose such representatives, and that the Assembly, when chosen, do elect counsellors; which assembly and council should exercise the powers of Government, until a Governor, of his Majesty’s appointment, will consent to govern the colony according to its charter.
Rhode Island should send flour to support the Continental Army in Massachusetts and that Congress shall cover “any expense incurred for this service.”
Congress will tomorrow take into consideration the ways and means of raising money.
Adjourned till tomorrow at 9 o’Clock.
Connecticut Delegates to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr.
We have the pleasure to find the measures taken by the General Assembly of Our Colony highly and universally approved of, by the Congress, & the readiness Our Troops were in has been considered as a very important circumstance in Our favour. Major Skeen arrived here from London the 7th Inst. & brought papers to the 25th April in which are little or nothing material, he had a Commission to command at Crown Point & Ticonderoga, with an handsome Salary, he is now made close prisoner, as is also an Officer who came with him. They were under examination last Evening, but nothing has as yet transpired to the public.
The Congress have appointed the 20th of July next to be Observed as a Day of fasting and prayer through all the Colonies, and shall send you in our next, the resolution at large….
A most surprising military ardor spreads universally through this City, and province, in which there are it is said Thirty thousand Men constantly exercising. Yesterday, three Battalions of this City were reviewed, and their proficiency for the Time they had been employed was surprising to everyone.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.