Second Continental Congress: May 22, 1775
May 22, 1775
Congress continues the discussion of “the state of America.” The New Hampshire delegation urges the Provincial Committee of New Hampshire to resist the temptation of unliterally petitioning for a redress of grievances.
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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]
Resolved itself into a committee of the whole. “Mr. [Samuel] Ward from the committee reported that they had proceeded in the business, but not having completed it, desired him to move for leave to sit again.”
Resolved, that this Congress will tomorrow again resolve itself into a committee of the whole to take into their farther consideration the state of America.
Adjourned until tomorrow at 9 o’Clock.
The New Hampshire Delegates to the Provincial Committee of New Hampshire
We are Sorry Gentlemen that Honor will not permit us to give you the Least Information Respecting our proceedings. We can only Say That all the Colonies are firmly united & are preparing for the worst. We hope That you will In Imitation of the other Colonies proceed to Choose your officers & Establish your militia upon The New Plan which has been adopted by Every Colony upon the Continent. We Shall bring with us Governor Wentworth’s Letters to Lord Dartmouth for 12 months past that you may Judge whether he is your friend as he pretends or whether he is not Rather your Inveterate Enemy.
John Sullivan John Langdon
P.S. We Earnestly Entreat you to prevent our General Court from making any application to Great Britain for Redress of Grievances as that would Draw the Resentment of all America upon our Province it being agreed that no one Shall make terms without the advice & Consent of the whole.
Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.