Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: May 4, 1776

May 4, 1776

Congress spends the day discussing letters from military officers and reports from various committees. 

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

Ordered, That the report of The Committee of Claims be approved.

Resolved, That an order be drawn on the treasurers in favor of Colonel Hand, for the use of his battalion and that the letter from him be referred to a committee of three: George Read, Jonathan Sergeant, and Samuel Huntington.

The Congress considered the April 29 letter from the committee of safety of New York. Resolved, That a major be appointed for the first New York battalion, in place of Major Benedict, who has resigned.  Barnabas Tuthill, was elected.

Letters from General Wooster, General Schuyler and Governor Trumbull were received.

Resolved, That the marine committee lay on the table next Monday the instructions given by the naval committee to Commodore Hopkins upon his leaving this port.

The Congress resumed the consideration of the report on the letter of General Washington of March 24. Whereupon,

Resolved, That all the cannon, and other stores, in Boston, which were originally purchased and provided by and at the expense of the colonies of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, be considered as belonging to the colony that so purchased and provided them; and that all the other cannon left in the colony of Massachusetts, by the British forces, be presented to the said colony.

The further consideration of the report, at the request of a colony was postponed until Monday.

The Congress then took into consideration the report of the committee on the letter from General Washington of April 4.

Resolved, That the pay of the officers and soldiers of the militia, lately called to Cambridge, commence on the day of their march, and cease on that of their return.

Resolved, That further consideration of the report be postponed.

Adjourned to 10 o’Clock on Monday.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
