Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: November 27, 1775

November 27, 1775

Congress passes war related resolutions, Committee Reports are read, and the boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Connecticut debated. Robert R. Livingston, Jr. writes to John Jay about how General Montgomery is held in high esteem.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

Resolved, That a Committee, made up of the Connecticut delegates, be appointed to enquire into the truth of the report that a prisoner named Skene has escaped from Hartford prison.

Resolved, That Lord Sterling collect the troops raised in New Jersey (except the six companies ordered to the fortresses on Hudson’s River) and place them in barracks in eastern New Jersey, contiguous to New York, and remain there pending further orders from Congress.

Resolved, That a letter be written to the Convention of New York, requesting them to use their utmost endeavors to furnish the troops raised in New Jersey for the defense of New York, with as many arms as they can spare.

Congress then proceeded to the choice of officers of an adjutant and quartermaster for the battalion raised in the western division of New Jersey.

Resolved, That the troops in the service of the Continent be supplied with fuel and bedding at the expense of the Continent.

Resolved, That the committee of safety for Pennsylvania receive an advance to be applied towards the pay of the battalion raised in Pennsylvania.

A letter from General Washington 19th November, enclosing a copy of a letter from Colonel Arnold, 27th October, was read.

Congress resumed the Consideration of the report of the Committee on the disputes between the people of Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and after debate,

Resolved, That the same be recommitted, and that it be an instruction to the Committee to hear evidence on the possession and jurisdiction of the lands in dispute, and reduce to writing such parts of the evidence adduced to them as they shall think proper and lay the same before Congress.

Three of the Committee are absent– John Rutledge, Samuel Chase, and James Kinsey—and thus 3 members were added as replacements.  The members chosen: George Wythe, John Jay, and William Hooper.

The Committee on the state of North Carolina brought in their report, which was read.

The several matters to this day referred, being postponed,

Adjourned to ten o’Clock tomorrow.

Robert R. Livingston, Jr., to John Jay

I am now on the borders of Lake George where we have been detained this day & part of yesterday by a head wind & extreme severe weather…. We hope to leave this tomorrow & have prepared tinder boxes & axes for an encampment on the shore, as we can hardly expect as they tell us to get over in one day & hope to experience the pleasure of laying on hemlock beds. They laugh at us here for having brought but one blanket with us, but we hope to make it up in fire….

It gives me great pleasure to find that Montgomery has contrived to gain the affection as well of the New England Troops as our own. They speak of him in the highest terms. You cannot conceive at the distance you are, the difficulties he & his troops have had to struggle with, difficulties which I am amazed they should ever get over….

Arnold we hear is at Point Levi waiting for assistance from Montgomery who writes me that he will go down immediately if he can get his men to follow him in which we hear he is likely to succeed. He proposes to secure the channel below Quebec & advises that some able general be sent to take the command, and recommends Lee as he expects a pretty severe attack in the spring. I wish he would stay himself as I know [no] person of more prudence & conduct in our service, but I believe he finds that the provision made for a second in command, will not support one at the head of an army. He says nothing of this to me but expresses a warm desire to return to his farm & mill…..

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
