Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: October 18, 1775

October 18, 1775

Congress creates a Committee of Three to provide “a just and well authenticated account of the hostilities committed by the ministerial troops and navy in America since last March.” John Adams, a member of the Committee, seeks the advice of James Warren “concerning this Business.”

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

The Committee on the Memorials from sundry Merchants in New York and Philadelphia brought in their report, which was read, considered, and after debate,

Resolved, That it be postponed.

The delegates from New Hampshire laid before the Congress, a part of the instructions delivered to them by their Colony, in the following words:

We would have you immediately use your utmost endeavors to obtain the advice and direction of the Congress, with respect to a method for our administering Justice, and regulating our civil police. We press you not to delay this matter, as, its being done speedily probably prevent the greatest confusion among us.

On this the delegates apply for advice.

Resolved, That the consideration of this be referred to Monday next.

Resolved, That a just and well authenticated account of the hostilities committed by the ministerial troops and navy in America since last March, be collected, with proper evidence of the truth of the facts related, the number and value of the buildings destroyed by them, also the number and value of the vessels inward and outward bound, which have been seized by them since that period, as near as the number and value can be ascertained; also the stock taken by them from different parts of the Continent.

A Committee of three was appointed for this purpose: Silas Deane, John Adams, and George Wythe.

Adjourned to 9 o’Clock.

John Adams to James Warren

Let me close now with a Matter of some Importance. Congress have appointed Deane, Wythe, and your Servant a Committee to collect a just Account of the Hostilities committed by the ministerial Troops and Navy, in America, Since last March; with proper Evidence of the Truth of the Facts related, the Number and Value of the Buildings destroyed by them, also the Number and Value of the Vessels inward and outward bound, which have been Seized by them, Since that Period, also the Stock taken by them from different Parts of the Continent. We shall write to the Assemblies of New England and Virginia, at least, but we shall likewise write to many Individuals Requesting their Assistance and to you among others. I wish you would think a little and consult with others concerning this Business, for it nearly concerns our province to have it well done.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
