Journals of the Continental Congress

Second Continental Congress: September 18, 1775

September 18, 1775

Congress creates a nine member Secret Committee on the Importation of Ammunition; the members will be chosen tomorrow.  Samuel Ward writes that Thomas Nelson is the only Virginia delegate in attendance and, thanks to the King’s actions, “the Establishment of American Liberty” is at hand.  John Adams visits two Maryland delegates.

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Journals of the Continental Congress [Edited]

Resolved, that a secret Committee be appointed to contract and agree for the importation and delivery of gunpowder, saltpetre, brass field pieces, double bridled musket locks, and good arms.  And that the Committee be able to draw orders on the continental treasurers for sufficient sums of money to defray the expenses.

That the Committee consist of nine, five of whom to be a quorum.

Resolved, That Congress will elect the committee tomorrow.

Congress approved the recommendation of the committee appointed to settle the accounts of Mr. West and Mr. Donaldson, advanced for the purchase of rifles, shirts, &c. for the privates of several companies.

Letters from General Schuyler, dated Isle-an-Noix, September 8 were read.

Resolved, That Congress will tomorrow resume the consideration of the letters from both General Washington and General Schuyler.

Adjourned until tomorrow.

Samuel Ward to George Washington

The Congress began to do Business Last Wednesday but many Members are still absent; Colonel Lee, Colonel Harrison & Mr. Jefferson & the North Carolina Delegates & some others are not arrived. Mr. Randolph has been confined with a fever two or three Days. Messrs. Wythe & Lee are under Inoculation so that Colonel Nelson alone attends from your Colony. We entered into the Consideration of your Letters yesterday…. Upon the whole the matter was referred & as soon as your several Letters are considered you will be acquainted with the Sentiments of the Congress.

We have no News here from England later than 18th July. By the King’s Answer to the Petition of the Lord Mayor Aldermen & Commons of the City of London it appears He is determined to pursue and enforce his Measures. God be thanked that however severe the Contest may prove We are now in such a happy Way that the End
must be the Establishment of American Liberty.

John Adams’s Diary

In the afternoon Mr. S.A. and I made visit at Mrs. Bedford’s to the
Maryland Gentlemen. We found Paca and Chase and a polite Reception from them. Chase is ever social and talkative. He seems in better Humor, than he was before the Adjournment. His Colony have acted with Spirit in Support of the Cause. They have formed themselves into a System and enjoyned an Association, if that is not an Absurdity.

Edited with commentary by Gordon Lloyd.
