Bill of Rights
“Let me add that a bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.”
Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 20 December 1787

The Bill of Rights: A Story in Documents

Debates in the First Congress: The Five Dimensions of Development

Dimension I: Madison’s Proposals

Dimension II: The House Select Committee Report

Dimension III: The House Version

Rights Secured in the Constitution prior to the Bill of Rights

Dimension IV: The Senate Version

Dimension V: The Conference Committee

Anticipating the Bill of Rights in the First Congress

Origins of the Bill of Rights Series: English and Colonial Roots of the U.S. Bill of Rights

Origins of the Bill of Rights Series: The State and Continental Roots of the Bill of Rights

The Four Stages of Approval of the Bill of Rights